---it was shown that all frequencies measured by hertz correlate significantly using the standard Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Statistic. That analysis can be replicated by doing a correlation analysis using the measures of brainwaves, the Gematria value of the Hebrew color words given in Crowley’s 777, spectral light frequencies, and standard Western pitch frequencies with at A = 440.
Sound, light, words, and the electricity that encodes our thoughts and generates behavior, represent the same Continuum. This means we can really extend our Magikal Associations and thus exponentially amplify the results of our Rites if we incorporate the results of modern mathematics (…and statistical analysis software such as SPSS and Excel) into our Work. After all, what Magus in our tradition wasn’t also a fervent scientist or explorer? The answer is not a one.
As Magicians we want to apply as much Natural and Supra-Natural Knowledge into our Work so to Initiate both physical and psychical, and meta-physical and meta-psychical change. Every neuro-scientist worth their salt knows the New Doctrine that frequencies/vibrations/colors/sounds/contrasts/geometry/etc makes actual neuro-chemical processes that ultimately form new neurological connections enabling novel conceptual processes to emerge in the cortical areas of the brain (…especially the pre-frontal cortex, the symbolic seat of the third eye). The Secret Magikal Doctrine is that these neuro-chemicals activate genetic components that interface with Astral and other Worlds and Universes.
As Magicians, we enter into Magikal Realms through ultra-specific Rites. And always do these Rites involve intoning the God-Names. However, although almost every Magician brought through the Western Magikal Schools (…i.e. Golden Dawn) is taught to intone the God-Names, never is one actually taught what ‘tones’ to ‘intone.’ And, being that most Magicians are not also adept in Musik, the question “What tones or pitches should I intone?”- is never asked. Musik, however, is the KEY!
The following image shows how all this boils down to useful information. As can be seen, for instance, just below the top Musikal Staff in the image are given the letters YHVH which represent the God-Name Tetragrammaton or Yahweh. Each of these letters has traditional Qabalistic associations, for instance Y is the Hebrew Yod, which represents Virgo, which in turn is associated with the color light green and the tones B and F; B vibrationally is light green and F is its compliment red. Those who are musicians will also notice the as B and F represent complimentary colors, they are also the sinister tri-tone apart musically. This polarity/tri-tone/compliment schema is the Key to this Magik Theory.

Anyway, one does not have to be Mozart to understand this. And, any Mage who has humped through and made sense of the Qabalistic jargon can easily master a basic musical theory.
However, all one must do to use the information provided in this blog is to simply attain a tuning fork and learn to match musical pitches. First, match the pitch with the proper letter as given in the image, and then simply intone the name as any melody is done. Where there are two notes on one letter, the lower note should be intoned, unless of course one has a partner who can help with the harmony.
It is important that when intoning this way, one does not fall into just 'singing' the God-Name. Although that may sound nice, intoning is a specific Magikal activity and is NOT just singing. Therefore, one must be certain not to loose that characteristic quality of Magikal Intonation while changing from one pitch to another. With practice, this technique will greatly amplify the effect of intoning the God-Names. The best place to practice this technique is during the Magician's daily invocations and banishings, and the Ritual of the Pentagram, or the Middle Pillar Ritual. The effect will be felt almost immediately.
For those a bit more adept in music, the following image shows how this lays out theoretically using the circle of fifths and the chromatic scale.

The Following image is the 'Wheel of Fortune' from the OZ Tarot Deck and gives the color/musikal/astrological/planetary Keys to the following theory.

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