sub figura 110
-the Four Points of Light of the Temples in the Pyramid City of ON-
At dawn, calmed by Temperance of Mind and by Truth of Word, awaiting the return of Light to invoke the Secret Temple to move through the Chaos Storm as one who moves through the sky as the LORD, say:
Rays of Temperance and Truth, and Transcendence, blaze underneath the Dragon’s EYE, illuminate the Temple, lead us thru the XAOS, and into the Pyramid City of ON.
At noon, awakened to Silence and Solitude and by the Strength of the EYE who moves through the sky as the lord, as one who has been parted from the Rays of the inner Light and awaits the end of the work and for entrance into the glorious victory City of ON, say:
Rays of Silence, and Strength, and Sublimation, blaze underneath the Dragon’s EYE, illuminate the Temple, lead us thru the XAOS, and into the Pyramid City of ON.
At dusk, not darkened by Fidelity to the Work, fearless through Death and in the shadow of the resurrected Light Freed from the great Illusion as one who moves through the sky as the LORD, say:
Rays of Fidelity, and Fearlessness, and Freedom, blaze underneath the Dragon’s EYE, illuminate the Temple, lead us thru the XAOS, and into the Pyramid City of ON.
At midnight, continued by Vehemently overcoming Opposition and maintaining Vigilance to the highest Aspiration, as one who moves through the sky as the Lord until the dwells of space and time are over come, say:
Rays of Vehemence, Vigilance, and Victory, blaze underneath the Dragon’s EYE, illuminate the Temple, lead us thru the XAOS, and into the Pyramid City of ON.

This powerful ritual is performed throughout the day. It’s first performed at dawn, then again at noon, once again at dusk, and finally at midnight. The purpose of this ritual is to define the rhythm of the Magikal day, and to establish a direct interface with the supra-cosmic force that catalyses the development of human genetics. This is ultimately both an acknowledgement and an invocation of the all encompassing force, outwardly seen as the Sun, and secretly known as the Magikal current. This force penetrates throughout our entire bodies, and pervades the entire universe. It’s an electro-magnetic cosmic radioactive force that interacts with our metabolic systems, and creates transformations and even transubstantiations of human genetics.
The wording of the ritual is simple. Each quarter of the day identifies with an element of Magik: air at dawn, fire at noon, water at dusk, and earth at midnight. Each of the Magikal elements corresponds to 3 Rays of ON. Temperance, Truth, and Transcendence are associated with the element air. Silence, Strength, and Sublimation are associated with element fire. Fidelity, Fearlessness, and Freedom are associated with element water. Vehemence, Vigilance, and Victory are associated with element earth.
The common part of the ritual specifies the three stages of the Magikal process, the illumination of the Temple, the Ordeal of the Abyss, and the emergence from the Abyss. The first stage of illuminating the Secret Temple involves invoking the Holy Guardian Angel and then interacting through ritual with one’s DNA, this is all begun by conscious awareness of the divine power of the Sun, and its powerful influence on our DNA through radiation. After this has been well begun, then the next stage is the Ordeal of the Abyss, which is the abandonment of what one previously thought they were, and the realization of what one is becoming. This Ordeal is likened to a chaotic state, and is called the Chaos Storm. And, the Dragon Eye is of course, the Sun.
The final stage, which is the stage of adept-hood, is entrance into the City of the Star Pyramids of ON. The Star and Pyramid City is so called to symbolize many things, here it symbolizes particular types of neurons that connect distal areas of the brain, these cells are called star neurons and pyramid neurons.